Cristobalite in manganese oxide-chromia-silica

Figure 1: Cristobalite in manganese oxide-chromia-silica, Mag. 600 X, scale bar: 50 µm.

Inclusion name: Cristobalite
Record No.: 10
Inclusion formula: SiO2
Inclusion type (Macro/Micro/Nano): Macro
Inclusion type (Exogenous/Indigenous): Indigenous
Inclusion classification: Oxide
Inclusion composition in weight %: C-Cristobalite with 98% SiO2, traces of Cr and Mn, M-Matrix with 14% MnO, 31% SiO2, 57% Cr2O3. Mean analysis (calc.) 13% MnO, 22% SiO3, 54% Cr2O3.
Sample: Ferrochromium suraffine
Steel composition in weight %: 73% Cr, 0.03% C, 0.09% Si, balance is Fe.
Note: This inclusion in situ in ferrochromium is similar in appearance to the isolated inclusion from a caron steel shown in the inclusion No. 9. The matrix in this particle has, however, a large chromina content and is composed of a two phases. It was not possible to carry out a separate analysis of each of the two phases because of the limited resolution of the electron probe analyser.
Reference: Not shown in this demo version.

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