Cold solder - Metal can defects - Coating defects

Figure 1: Cold solder.

Defect name: Cold solder
Record No.: 1461
Type of defect (Internal/Surface): Surface
Defect classification: Coating defects, metal can defects
Steel name: Steel
Steel composition in weight %: No data.
Classification: Cold solder is considered a serious three piece can defect.
Description: A discontinuity (gaps or voids) or a rough and spongy irregularity of the side seam solder fillet which could result in a pathway through the side seam. The cold solder condition will most easily occur in the lap area at the extremities of the side seam, but cannot be properly checked unless the side seam and double seam are torn down for examination.
Common sources: Solder temperatures too cold.
Reference: Not shown in this demonstration version.

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