Etchants for Platinum and Alloys

ASTM etchant No. 167 - Pt alloys
ASTM etchant No. 167 - Pt alloys - Chemical etching
ASTM etchant No. 167 - Pure platinum - Chemical etching
ASTM etchant No. 168 - Pt-10% Rh
ASTM etchant No. 168 - Pt-10% Rh alloy - Chemical etching
ASTM etchant No. 64a - Pure platinum - Chemical etching
ASTM etchant No. 64b - Pt alloys - Chemical etching
ASTM etchant No. 65 - <90% noble metals - Chemical etching
ASTM etchant No. 73a - Pt alloys - Electrolytic etching
ASTM etchant No. 73a - Pure platinum - Electrolytic etching
Agua Regia - Pt and Au evaporated on silicon (111) - Chemical etching
Agua Regia - PtRh (2-15%) as thermocouple wires - Chemical cleaning
Aqua Regia - Platinum - Chemical etching
Aqua Regia - Pt and alloys - Chemical etching
Aqua Regia - Pt-Tb alloys (20-35 at.% Tb) - Etch for TbPt3
Platinium alloy - Grain contrast
Platinum (Pt) - Pure Pt and Pd, Au alloys
Platinum - Au alloys with less than 90% content of precious metals
Platinum - Chemical polishing
Platinum - Electrolytic lapping
Platinum - Electrolytic polishing
Platinum - Electrolytic polishing
Platinum - Electrolytic polishing
Platinum - Electrolytic polishing
Platinum - Electrolytic thinning
Platinum - Electrolytic thinning by window technique
Platinum - For Au alloys with high content of precious metals
Platinum - Physical etching
Platinum - Pt alloys, Rh, Ir
Platinum - Pt and Pt alloys - General macrostructure
Platinum - Pt and Pt alloys, Au and Au alloys
Platinum - Pure Au and Au-rich alloys. Pd and Pd alloys
Platinum - Rh base alloys, Pt-10% Rh alloys, Ir alloys, pure Pt and Pt alloys, Ru base alloys
Platinum alloys - Electrolytic etching
Platinum alloys 1 - Electrolytic etching
Platinum alloys 2 - Electrolytic etching
Platinum alloys 3 - Chemical etching
Platinum and platinum alloys - Electrolytic etching
Platinum and related materials - Electrolytic etching
Platinum specimens - Au, Pt alloys and Pd alloys
Platinum-Iridium (Pt-Ir) - Electric contact material
Platinum-Ruthenium (Pt-Ru) - Electric contact material
Pt and Pt alloys - Electrolytic etching
Pt and Pt alloys - General macrostructure
Pt and Pt alloys with noble metal content bellow 90 - Chemical etching
Pt and alloys - Chemical etching
Pt and alloys - Electrolytic etching
Pt and alloys - Electrolytic etching
Pt and alloys - Electrolytic etching
Pt and alloys - Electrolytic etching
Pt and alloys - Electrolytic etching
Pt and alloys - Electrolytic etching
Pt and alloys - Electrolytic etching - General macrostructure
Pt and alloys - Grain contrast
Pt as thermocouple wires-paired - Pt and PtRh-Metal, removal
Pt single crystal ingot - Halogen, pasivation
Pt thin film - Acid, float-off
Pt thin films - Chemical etching
Pt-Co alloy - Electrolytic thinning
Pt-Cr alloys - Electrolytic etching
Pt-Pd thin films - Chemical etching
Pt-Sb alloy (PtSb2) - Chemical etching
Pt-Te alloy - No need to etch
Pt-Yb alloys - Chemical etching
Pt2Si thin films formed on silicon, (111) and (100) n-type wafers - Metal deposition
PtAs2 single crystal specimens - Chemical polishing
PtH powder - Chemical cleaning
PtO crystalline thin films - Chemical etching
PtP2 single crystal specimens - Chemical polishing
PtSb2 (100) wafers - Chemical etching
PtSb2 (100), (110) and (111) wafers - Chemical etching
PtSb2 (100), (110) and (111) wafers - Chemical etching
PtSb2 (100), (110) and (111) wafers - Chemical etching
PtSb2 (100), (110) and (111) wafers - Chemical etching
PtSb2 (100), (110) and (111) wafers - Chemical etching
PtSb2 (100), (111) and (110) wafers - Chemical etching
PtSb2 single crystal specimens - Chemical polishing
PtSi specimens - Chemical etching
PtSi thin films deposited on silicon-Ionized gas etching
PtSi thin films grown on silicon substrates - Chemical etching
Pure Pt - Chemical etching
Pure Pt - Chemical etching
Pure Pt and Pd, Au alloys
Pure Pt and Pt with alloy content Rh, Ru, Ir, and Os - Chemical etching
Pure platinum - Electrolytic etching

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