Zn and Zn alloys - Electrolytic polishing

Material Name: Zn and Zn alloys
Recipe No.: 10051
Primary Chemical Element in Material: Zn
Sample Type: Bulk
Uses: Polishing
Etchant Name: None
Type (Macro/Micro): Micro
Etching Method: Electrolytic polishing
Etchant (Electrolyte) Composition: 200 g CrO3, 1000 ml distilled water.
Procedure (Condition): Current density: 2.5-3.5 A/cm2, voltage dc: 60 V (ext.), temperature: 20 C, time: 40-45 s.
Note: Good fo brass also. Use nickel, zinc, or platinum gauze cathode. Rinse in solution and then water to prevent staining. Rodda.
Reference: Vander Voort, Metallography Principles and Practice, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1984, p. 604.

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